Emma Pilon
"Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet." - Tich Nhat Hahn
Clay is one of the most mystifying substances I have ever come into contact with, existing in so many stages, and each stage retaining its own complexities and intricacies. My work, in essence, stems from the desire to understand these intricacies and subtle characteristics, explore clay's limits, and as a result, investigate my own limits.
In this way, clay is very reflective. I approach my work with a mindful presence and a conscious awareness of how applying points of pressure cause the medium to respond in a particular way. Often times it is constructive, moving in the way I would like, empowering me; yet other times moving in a destructive way, reminding me how humble I must remain. Working in clay truly serves to ground me, a constant reminder that whatever I impact will in turn impact me.